Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Building Census

Building Census - Where Everything and Everyone Counts

Every ten years, the United States thinks it is good to conduct a census of all the people in the country.

In 2010, hiring of census takers contributed to a three month stabilization of job loss. We allocate economic value to counting all the people.

A building census gives owners of multiple properties many economic values.

Most owners don't have an accurate list of all properties in one place. Creating an authoritative, single list of properties allows visualization of savings that can be immediately realized when approached properly.

BIMStorm exercises have demonstrated how it is possible to create comprehensive lists that are visually validated with online brainstorms using Building Information Models. Because BIMStorms can start with Excel lists, for our purposes we will see these lists as the start of a building census. (See BIMStorm videos at and on YouTube.)

Being able to count everything in your buildings allows for planning and problem solving on a level that contributes to dramatic improvements when properly executed.

Oklahoma City Director of Planning Russel Claus called BIMStorm "a valuable tool for planning and design internationally and in the United States."

This blog will point to past, current and future activities that can help building industry professionals dramatically improve their productivity by implementing and managing a building census. For example, if Oklahoma City had all of their municipal properties in one list so building performance can be presented in one report there would be significant benefits to multiple departments.

BIMStorm processes are the best ways that I know to create a building census of the scale we need to provide improvements to our global environment. So expect a lot about BIMStorms. But I look forward to learning about all ways to share data using open standards with web-based, mobile devices.


Michael Bordenaro
BIM Education Co-op
mbordenaro at cs dot com

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